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As you may already know, I brought my family to US with me for a vacation. After a wonderful week in San Diego for CLUS, San Jose was our next destination. During that time, We got a rare opportunity to visit Cisco campus.  I am so grateful to Lauren Friedman & Brett Shore(who manage Cisco Champion program) who facilitated this visit for us.


First, they gave us a tour of Cisco TV studio. John – Cisco TV Studio, took his time to show us around & explain things in a simple way for my family.

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Next they gave us a tour to Building 10, corporate office building allows Cisco customers to experience Cisco innovations. There was an area showing the history of Cisco and my family enjoyed it a lot.

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These two individuals (Lauren & Brett) created long lasting memories for us, They were so kind to us and spent their own time to give us  such an awesome experience. Also they gave us lot of swags we all enjoyed.


All of us thoroughly enjoyed this visit and I asked my family members to tell about how they felt it.

Here is what Dewmi (my eldest daughter – 10 Yr) wrote about her experience.


Here is what my wife’s wrote about her experience.


In case, you cannot read her handwriting well, here it is what she wrote.

Thank to CLUS, we were fortunate enough to visit few states in US this year. It was one of the lifetime experiences for me and my three beautiful children. While we were in San Diego, I met few of Rasika’s friends, who came for Cisco Live around the world. I enjoyed meeting & spending time with them who came from different countries & background.

I had many complaints during last 10 years about Rasika’s time contribution to his blog & Cisco community. I am pretty sure most of you are aware of some of those complaints as Rasika already shared some on his blog. However, this visit convinced me his valuable contribution towards the Cisco community. Everyone talked about Rasika’s genuine & valuable assistance for their studies. I should say, I did not expect such feedback from any of them. I didn’t realize Rasika is a such expert in his field. I never thought he has done that much of impact towards the community. I can’t deny that this experience made me very proud to be his wife.

Yesterday we got the opportunity to walk inside the Cisco headquarters, which enhanced our experience to the next level in USA. I am very thankful to Brett, Lauren & John (Cisco TV studio) for spending their precious time to show us around the campus. To tell you the truth, I had no idea what Rasika does with Cisco. John was kind enough to answer my silly questions and explained everything to me. The museum gave us enough information about the background of Cisco. Thank you very much Brett, Lauren & John for your precious time. We really appreciate your kind gesture of friendship.

The one important thing I have noticed at the museum, how Cisco pay back for the community through the valuable community work. I thought it was a perfect professional path for Rasika as I know very well his attitude towards the community development. We say, “the technology has created a global village”. When I reflect the whole experience, I can say that I have witnessed how Cisco has created “The Global Humanity” connecting many different communities together. Thank you very much for all your handwork Cisco.

While I was at Building 14 to see some wireless labs ( I will write another interesting blog post about that), my wife was able to do few short video clips with my kids expressing their happiness.

Here is my son’s (Manuka – 7 yrs) video clip. His favorite part was “Cisco Presents” gave by Lauren & Brett 🙂

Here is my little one (Goyumi – 3.5 years) had to say. Her best part was “Chocolates

As you can see, my entire family had a wonderful experience at Cisco office. I am so grateful for everyone who made it possible.